Home » Trending » August 26 – Women's Equality Day in the U.S.

August 26 – Women's Equality Day in the U.S.

 Posted on August 26, 2021

This is an update of my post published on August 26, 2010:

About 140 years after the birth of the United States, women finally became full citizens!

Today is the commemoration of the 19th Amendment becoming a part of the U. S. Constitution in 1920. That is the amendment that gave women the right to vote.

The women’s suffrage movement in the U.S. worked at least
72 years before women were actually able to do the most
basic civic duty: VOTE!!!

The right to vote is sometimes called suffrage.

Check out the History Channel’s website on women’s suffrage, with photo galleries, a video, and lots more links.

Or look at the virtual museum exhibit here.

A lot of women run for and win elected office.
Above, Representative Rashida Tlaib, former state representative and voting rights activist Stacey
Abrams, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-
Cortez, and former Senator Martha McSally.

Below, first female U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris.

In theory, voting is finally legal for women everywhere in the
world except Vatican City. But in practice, voting is 
difficult or even dangerous for women in some nations.

It’s so so so so so so SO important that all of us
vote, who can, including every single woman!

Also on this date:

National Toilet Paper Day 

Mathematician Johann Heinrich Lambert’s birthday

National Dog Day

Heroes’ Day in Namibia

More on Women’s Equality Day

Birthday of author and women’s rights activist Zona Gale

Birthday of art collector and promoter Peggy Guggenheim

Feast Day of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa

National Webmistress Day


On this date WAAAAAAYYYYY back…

Plan ahead:

Check out my Pinterest boards for:
  • August holidays
  • August birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in August

And here are my Pinterest boards for:

  • September holidays
  • September birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in September

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