International Left-handers’ Day
Started in 1976 by Left-handers’ International, this is a holiday that celebrates left-handed people everywhere. Another reason for the special day is to raise awareness among right-handed people about the inconveniences faced by the minority (only around one out of ten people is left-handed).
With only 10% of the population being left-handed, we could assume that only four or five U.S. presidents would have been left-handed… But we would have assumed wrong! There are twice as many lefties among the Presidents as expected, including four of the last five presidents!!
Some other famous left-handers include Benjamin Franklin, Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince William of England, Fidel Castro, Helen Keller, Buzz Aldrin (along with about 25% of Apollo astronauts!), Jay Leno, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, Bill Gates, Marilyn Monroe, and many, many more!
Cra-zy how many famous, smart, talented people are left-handed, huh?