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Are We Living in a New Era? The End of the Seventies Vibe?

Is the endless Seventies vibe finally over? Are we slipping back into the early Eighties? Many are asking these questions as we see familiar themes rising from the depths of our culture. It feels like we are reliving a time when strange ideas and conspiracy theories were rampant. But why are these ideas resurfacing now?

History Rhymes, But Why Now?

It’s often said that history doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes. Today, we see echoes of the past in our current reality. Terms like “MK ULTRA” and “Deep State,” once fringe concepts, are now part of everyday conversation. Just recently, the CIA released a trove of documents that shed light on their long-standing interests in UFOs, magic, and more.

Tangerine Dream - Remote Viewing

The CIA’s Fascination with the Unexplained

The CIA’s document dump revealed their obsession with UFO sightings. About 20% of these sightings remain unexplained. The agency sought more cooperation from the Pentagon to document these events. They were concerned about the national security implications of UFOs and how the public perceived them.

Interestingly, the CIA also had a fascination with magic. In the late 1960s, they investigated a self-taught magician in Soviet Georgia who claimed to perform miraculous healings. This interest grew, leading them to work with Uri Geller, a famous psychic known for bending spoons. The CIA even explored remote viewing, hoping to use supernatural means for surveillance.

Tangerine Dream - Remote Viewing

Why Are We Hearing This Now?

Why are these revelations coming to light during a time of political turmoil? When Donald Trump took office, he declared war on many institutions, including the CIA. His cabinet picks sailed through confirmation, but the vote for his CIA director was delayed. This timing raises eyebrows.

The Trump administration condemned what they called the “anti-police atmosphere” in America. They promised to restore law and order, signaling a shift in the political landscape.

Tangerine Dream - Remote Viewing

The Rise of Cyberwarfare

As we navigate this new reality, we must consider the implications of cyberwarfare. American intelligence agencies have confirmed that Russia engaged in hacking and misinformation campaigns during the election. This has led many to question whether we are in a state of cyberwar.

Experts are rethinking what constitutes war. Dave Aitel, a former NSA scientist, stated, “I don’t have to blow something up to destroy your country. I just have to reduce trust in your national way of life.” This shift in perspective highlights the evolving nature of conflict in our digital age.

Cultural Reflections from the Eighties

As we reflect on these changes, it’s worth revisiting films from the early Eighties. Movies like Brainstorm and Altered States offer insights into the thinking of that era. Brainstorm, created by effects guru Douglas Trumbull, explores themes of technology and consciousness. Its troubled production history adds a layer of intrigue.

Altered States, based on John Lilly’s experiments with psychedelics, resonates with today’s Silicon Valley culture. Many tech entrepreneurs, including Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, experimented with psychedelics. Today, ayahuasca has become a popular tool for personal development among Silicon Valley elites.

Altered States - Cleverest Scene/Hallucination

The Evolution of Ideas

Cultural trends often emerge from the fringes before becoming mainstream. Ideas that once seemed radical can gain traction during times of social upheaval. As the old paradigms falter, new ideas can take root.

The question arises: who are the real revolutionaries today? Are they the protestors in the streets or the tech-savvy individuals pushing the boundaries of reality?


As we navigate this complex landscape, it’s clear that we are at a crossroads. The echoes of the past are shaping our present and future. The rise of survivalism, the fascination with the unexplained, and the implications of cyberwarfare all point to a significant shift in our culture.

We must remain vigilant and aware of these changes. The world is evolving, and it’s up to us to understand the forces at play. Are we ready to embrace this new era, or will we cling to the familiar rhythms of the past? Only time will tell.

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