Home Trending April 30 – Walpurgis Night

April 30 – Walpurgis Night

    Posted on April 30, 2022

This is an update of my post published on April 30, 2011:

It’s May Day Eve tonight! Time to eat, drink, and be merry around a roaring bonfire!

Some people dress up like witches and go out into the streets in a sort of wandering carnival.

Some folks watching the bonfires may be dressed like witches, too.

There’s dancing, “capping” (wearing special caps  and putting similar hats onto statues), entertainment, speeches…and sometimes pranks, as well.

This holiday is called various names in various countries, including Valborg in Sweden, Vappu in Finland, Hexennacht in Germany, Volbrioo in Estonia, and the čarodejnice in the Czech Republic.
What’s it all about? Well, it’s another spring festival—another way of celebrating the return of sunshine and warmer temperatures. It seems to me that this holiday is a cross between Halloween and Mardi Gras—but with the added benefit that the next day, May Day, is also celebrated by many!

Also on this date:

 Honesty Day in the U.S.A.

 El Día de los Ninos / 
El Día de los Libros

 Bugs Bunny Day

 Anniversary of Louisiana’s Statehood

Spank Out Day

 Anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase

 Birthday of the King of Sweden

 Valborg in Sweden

Reunification Day in Vietnam

Queen’s Day in the Netherlands

Eeyore’s Birthday Party
(Last Saturday)

International Table Top Day 

(Last Saturday in April)

National Sense of Smell Day
(Last Saturday in April)

Plan ahead:

Check out my Pinterest boards for:

  • May holidays
  • May birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in May



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