Posted on April 20, 2021
This is an update of my post published on April 20, 2010:
He didn’t find these things.
What he did find was the mainland of Canada, Newfoundland, and Prince Edward Island.
This event may not have been quite as violent as the word “kidnapping” suggests, because (after they had the native chief’s sons in their possession), Cartier apparently bargained with the chief, Donnacona, for the right to take them back to Europe. Donnacona at last agreed on the condition that they return with European goods to trade.
On Cartier’s return the next year, he brought back the two Iroquoians and things to trade.
Cartier ended up describing and mapping the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the shores of the Saint Lawrence River, and he gave Canada its name.
Learn about Canada.
Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories, and Cartier only explored a wee bit of three or four provinces. |
Canada is the second largest country in the world, after only Russia. (We’re talking area, not population.) Also, the border it shares with the U.S. is the longest in the world.
Canada is a bilingual nation,
with both English and French as official languages. As you might guess, this is because both England and France laid claims to parts of Canada. France let go of its claims to the land in 1763, and soon Canada became a federal dominion of the United Kingdom (which is made up of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland).Canada never fought a war of independence against England. Instead it slowly-and-stea
dily became more and more independent, until 1982 when the Canada Act ended the nation’s dependence on the British parliament. Even now, however, Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II is considered the head of state of Canada is pictured on some of its money!Play a simple Sudoku-style game with Canadian symbols.
Zoom School is a cool place to learn about Canadian animals, geography, flag, culture, and more.
Play a game about explorers. Here is a matching game, and this is a version of concentration.
British Columbia
Canada is one of the most beautiful nations in the world. When I think of the nation’s natural beauty, I think first of rugged Yukon, gorgeous British Columbia, and – my personal favorite – the Canadian Rockies, in Alberta.
But of course there are many beautiful landscapes and seascapes in eastern Canada, as well!
Prince Edward Island |
Newfoundland and Labrador |
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