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April 13 – Thomas Jefferson's Birthday

 Posted on April 13, 2021

This is an update of my post published on April 13, 2010:

This famous painting by John Trumbull depicts the “Committee of Five”
presenting their draft of the Declaration of Independence to the 
Second Continental Congress. Thomas Jefferson is one of the Committee
of Five, the tallest one, the one wearing a red waistcoat (or vest).

On this day in 1743, Thomas Jefferson was born in Virginia. At age 33, he wrote the U. S. Declaration of Independence, and he served as governor of Virginia, Secretary of State, Vice President, and President.

He was arguably one of the most intelligent presidents the United States has ever had, and one of the greatest.
 Many years after Thomas Jefferson died, President Kennedy invited 49 Nobel Prize winners to a White House dinner. He told them, “I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent and of human knowledge that has ever been gathered together at the White House– with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.”

Thomas Jefferson was a polyglot who spoke Greek, French, Italian, Latin and Spanish, as well as English.

He was a polymath who “achieved distinction” as a horticulturalist (one who works with plants and gardens), architect, archaeologist, paleontologist, inventor, political leader and writer. He was a lawyer, a violinist, a horseman, and a scientist. He dabbled in theology and Biblical criticism. As well as serving his country in the positions listed above, Jefferson served as a Virginia lawmaker and as minister to France. He also founded the University of Virginia.

Jefferson died, coincidentally, on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Another coincidence about his death is that John Adams, the second U.S. president, died just a few hours later on the same date. 

Jefferson wrote his own epitaph (a saying carved on a tomb or grave marker), and he insisted that it be used without changing a word or adding any words. Here is what it says:




Notice that 
Jefferson didn’t mention about himself being governor, secretary of state, vice-president, or president. Interesting to see what made him feel proudest!

By the way, you might also notice that the epitaph doesn’t include dates. There is a separate panel on which is written,

“BORN APRIL 2. 1743. O.S.
DIED JULY 4. 1825.”

I know, you’re probably thinking April 2??? I thought his birthday is April 13!

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Well, the letters “O.S.” after his birth date mean “Old Style,” and they refer to the fact that Jefferson was born before the U.S. changed from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. In much of the Western world the day of his birth was April 13, and scholars retroactively reassign the Gregorian dates to make things consistent.

The horrible, terrible, no-good, very-bad thing…

One thing that is horrible about Thomas Jefferson (and George Washington, and other Founding Fathers) is that he was a slave owner. He apparently believed that slavery was harmful both to the people who are enslaved (no duh!) and to the slave holder. Also, he did and said a few things that increased well-being of the people he himself enslaved, and of enslaved people in general – but he also did and said things that stood in the way of ending slavery!

We want our Founding Fathers to be anti-slavery SO BAD, but Thomas Jefferson doesn’t come close to this description. It’s quite a blight on his legacy.

How can the person who wrote “all men are created equal”
enslave people? That is the question behind artist Titus
Kaphar’s painting “Behind the Myth of Benevolence.”

Learn more about Jefferson

The Garden of Praise has a short essay about Thomas Jefferson, plus a jigsaw puzzle, crossword puzzles, a coloring activity, and quizzes. And probably a lot more.

This history website
has several videos about Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson is one of only four presidents carved onto Mount Rushmore. Here is a jigsaw of that famous landmark.

And here is an interesting page about Jefferson’s inventions.

On Jefferson’s birthday…

Eat mac’n’cheese!

There are some rumors that Thomas Jefferson invented macaroni and cheese, but that isn’t true. However, he did seem to be a fan of this tasty dish, even serving it to presidential guests! (Also, he may have owned one of America’s earliest pasta-making machines.) One of the things found in Jefferson’s papers was a recipe for macaroni, written in his handwriting.

Eat ice cream!

Another favorite food of Jefferson’s was ice cream. He wrote the first known American recipe for ice cream, found here as he wrote it (and at the bottom of the page in a revised version for modern times).

Record your life.

Thomas Jefferson used to get up early every morning and record temperatures, wind direction, and signs of weather or season in the sky and among plants and animals. During the entire day, he walked around with pocket-sized scales, a compass, a thermometer, drawing instruments, an a pocket-sized level and globe. He also carried about a small notebook and pencil. At any time, he could measure and/or make notes about his surroundings. Later each day, he transcribed the information into his record books. (Paper was costly enough, back then, that he would always erase the penciled notes so that that notebook page could be reused! And he sometimes used erasable ivory instead of paper.)


These unique pocket notebooks were made with ivory “pages.”

Nowadays Facebook and Twitter and iPhones make it easy for many of us to keep records of our lives. I know some people are using the new technology to note and share stuff that is really important—such as wildlife sightings and light-pollution conditions.

Even if you don’t have all the latest gizmos, you can keep track of things in your own life like Jefferson did—with paper, pencil, and pen. You can watch neighborhood birds, keep weather records, study an ant hill in the yard…or?

Tour his life at Monticello
(Check out all the headings available on the Menu tab.)

Jefferson’s home, Monticello

Here’s a good question:

Why was the “Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom” even more important to Jefferson himself than being president?

(I refer, of course, to Jefferson’s mention of this law, but not his presidency, on his tombstone.)

For Jefferson, separation of church and state were very necessary to avoid tyranny. During the time of the American Revolution, Virginia had a state church: the Anglican church. People’s taxes supported the church (so even people who didn’t belong to the church had to support it), and people who did not agree with that particular church were denied rights (they couldn’t hold office or sue people in court) and were sometimes even punished (by imprisonment).

An example of the result of having a state-established religion is that Virginians who were elected to office had to swear that they did not have certain Catholic beliefs.

Jefferson pointed out that having a state religion coerces people to say that they share the majority belief—which means that, to some extent, the established church becomes more and more full of hypocrites who have to say that they believe something that they do not believe. Jefferson pointed out that having government stay completely away from religion helps  individual citizens AND religion, too!

Jefferson proposed his religious freedom statute (law) in 1779. He worked from 1784 to 1786, along with James Madison, to oppose Patrick Henry’s attempts to support the church with taxes. Finally, in 1786, the Virginia Assembly passed his Bill for Religious Freedom.

Jefferson used the phrase “wall of separation between Church and State.” He believed that this principle was expressed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. He stated in many letters and written materials that churches should be neither persecuted nor given any special status.

One of the quotes found in the D.C. Jefferson Monument
concerns freedom of religion.

Jefferson’s ideas were hailed as providing “freedom of the mind,” and his law was praised by many all over the world. Yet even today many governments DO have established churches (although I’m happy to report that most of these same governments also allow people to worship in other, non-state-supported churches). Even though Jefferson’s ideas are very key to the U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court decisions, many Americans seem to be confused about what these ideas are, and why they are so important.

The only time in my life I’ve ever seen fireflies was
just outside the Jefferson Monument. The insects
made the visit to this monument positively magical!

Also on this date:

Songkran in Thailand  

Anniversary of the coining of the word “microscope”

National Scrabble Day

Apollo 13 Day

Anniversary of the arrival of the first elephant in the U.S.

Anniversary of a Pulitzer won and lost

Anniversary of the founding of NYC’s Metropolitan Museum of Art

Birthday of Eli Terry, the “Henry Ford of Clocks”!

Teacher’s Day in Ecuador

Plan ahead:

Check out my Pinterest boards for:
  • April holidays
  • April birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in April

And here are my Pinterest boards for:
  • May holidays
  • May birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in May


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