Bipasha Basu’s ‘Alone’, is an upcoming Indian horror movie which marks the film debut of Grover. Bhushan Patel who has given many hit horror movies previously, directed this ‘Alone’ movie. It is the remake of Thai film of the same name which was also made in Tamil as Charulatha and Geethanjali in Malayalam.
The 35 year old gorgeous actress said in an interview “‘Alone’ is not a horror film for me. It is a passionate love story for me. Through our characters we have tried to show a realistic love story. Everyone who is married or who have been in a relationship will identify with this. Many aspects of relationships has been shown… So the film is not only sexy. There is a lot of depth.” Bipasha plays a conjoined twin in the movie.
Alone is set to hit theatres on January 16, 2015.