Akshay Kumar and Saif Ali Khan had worked in many films together, with Main Khiladi Tu Anari being the most famous. The actors might have not re-united on screen, but their sons Aarav Bhatia and Ibrahim Ali Khan have slipped into their fatherโs shoes being the best of buddies.
The two have been spotted together on several occasions. They have also been sharing their dubsmash videos.
Recently they were spotted watching a movie and now this picture where the two boys can be seen posing together in shorts has been doing the rounds on social networking sites. Ibrahim, who draws look from his father, stands right next to Aarav.
Akshay Kumar, Saif Ali Khanโs sons Aarav Bhatia and Ibrahim Ali Khan are Besties: Akshay Kumar and Saif Ali Khan hadโฆ
Posted by Indian Star Kids on Thursday, March 10, 2016