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Skin care: Ultimate Guide to get Younger Looking Skin naturally

10 Ways to Feel Beautiful

When we feel insecure, it is possible to ignore your low self-esteem and feel more beautiful. Either want to go to an event, to the office, or on a date, here are 10 ways to look sexy in an instant.

  1. Stop your obsession

Sometimes we ourselves can be the biggest enemy of us, which could result in catastrophe for our confidence. To ensure your confidence remains high, try to avoid the endless obsession in front of the mirror as we used to do before leaving the house. Remember that spots “large”, curly hair, and weight gain that always keep you glued not a big deal for others, so do fun things for yourself and stop it’s obsession.

  1. Record your Excess

To make you stop fixated on the things you like less, is quite helpful to change the focus to the things you love inside. Whether it’s a flat stomach, a warm personality, or hair that sparkles, try to remember the compliments you received anything in the past or things that you know are your strengths, and write a list of reasons that make you feel sexy.

  1. Put on your red dress

According to a survey conducted by the British Heart Foundation, the women feel more confident when they are wearing something red. One in three women surveyed revealed that the color red makes them very confident. Whatever you like whether it’s red lipstick, red nail polish, dress or red shoes, wear something red to make you feel beautiful.

  1. Pretend

Are you still not feel confident? Other people do not need to know! To feel like the hottest girl in the room, you have to give the impression that this is the real you – and all of it is useful to boost confidence. As Sophia Loren said, “The appeal is 50 percent of what you can and another 50 percent is what people think you have.” Plenty of smiles, chatting with new people, and generally gives the impression can make you feel comfortable with yourself and it instantly increase your attractiveness.

  1. Work out at the last minute

Indeed, regular exercise is the best activity to form a beautiful body, but exercising at the last minute before going to an event can help you look and feel better. To highlight some of the muscles and or muscle belly, do sports at the last minute, such as sit-ups, lunges, and bicep exercises. Your blood flow to your muscles will temporarily tighten them and make it look more obvious. Not only that, endorphins are released after exercise will help you feel more confident.

  1. Change your appearance

Nothing helps you look beautiful and confident than an entirely new appearance. Whether you are wearing a new hairstyle or wearing makeup, trust yourself in the hands of the professionals and let them do their magic. Make an appointment with a salon for your makeup, choose a simple makeup free in a shopping mall, or go to the hairdresser to dye and cut your hair. Not only you will look very pretty, but you also will feel beautiful.

  1. Highlight your best part

It may sound trivial, but to boost your self-confidence that can help you to highlight the best in you. Rather than wear something comfortable that hides your posture, set aside time to form your curves and think about what is suitable for your body. In addition to forming the body posture, you can also wear makeup to accentuate the best facial appearance. Play with the eyes or the lips to enhance your cheekbones by wearing makeup that showcased a more specific form.

  1. Indulge yourself

A little pampering is a great way to make your mind feel happy and you feel amazing appearance. Try the simple pampering treatment at home like using scrubs, hair treatments with conditioner, bath milk, or facial treatments to accentuate the natural glow that makes you look and feel sexier than ever.

  1. Plenty of smiles

Research shows that people who smile more are considered more attractive, and it is a good enough reason to show off his pearly white teeth. However, if your teeth look a bit yellow, you can still show off a dazzling smile. To make you look whiter quickly, try wearing red lipstick or pink with shades of blue, and avoid yellow or orange lipstick shades that will reinforce your yellow teeth.

  1. Remember that you are more sexy than you think

According to a study conducted by Dove only two percent of women who feel themselves beautiful, and only five percent felt confident to say that themselves beautiful, but it seems a lot of women who do not realize their own charm. Research shows that others see us 20 percent more interesting than we think, because they see our posture completely, including our personalities. Therefore, regardless of how scale your attractiveness and how you are feeling, it is important to remember that you are more attractive than you see.

Have A Perfect Skin

Have beautiful skin, it is definitely every woman’s dream. However, it is not easy to get it all.Because of this, there are several things that must be done, in addition to doing regular maintenance. Here, his review from Female.

Change the routine pillowcases

Many of us often underestimate this. Whereas in the pillows that we use can be attached to a lot of dirt. Therefore, replacing rajinlah pillowcase to keep skin intact.


Without going to the spa, you can do it yourself at home steam. The trick, you can use the bathroom as a steam room. Turn on the hot water faucet, let the steam filled the room. You can steam a few minutes in it.

Wash your face longer

Many women are in a hurry while washing his face. In fact, if the equalized when brushing your teeth, at least it did not take two minutes to do so. Try to keep applying it when washing your face. That way, the face will clean up the pores.

Do not often touched

In a research mentioned, within one hour the average human hand touching her face 3.6 times. Of course this affects how much bacteria can stick to the face. Coupled with other objects that directly touch the face. Therefore, try not to touch your face often. This is done to avoid the accumulation of dirt or bacteria.


Yes, the hair also affect the health of your face. Try to keep hair clean and does not stick as much as possible in the face. Therefore, hair can also lead to other problems such as acne or blotches on the face.

Natural Skin Care Tips at Home

When it comes to skin care products, you will find that a lot of people are very particular about using only natural skin care products. They treat all the synthetic products as harmful to the skin.

So, are natural skin care products the answer to all of our problems?
What if a natural skin care product is not available for the treatment of a particular skin disorder? Are the synthetic skin care products so harmful that they should be banned?

Different people have different answers to these questions. However, the reality is that due to presence of synthetic preservatives, it’s really tough to find a natural skin care product that is 100% natural. There are natural skin care products that have natural preservatives, but their cost might be detrimental. Moreover, such natural skin products have a shorter shelf life and hence are not preferred by the manufacturers of natural skin care products.

Some people carry a wrong notion that since natural skin care products are natural, they cannot cause any harm to the skin. The suitability of a skin care product is not based on whether it is synthetic or natural. An unsuitable natural skin care product can harm you in almost the same way as a synthetic one. So, use natural skin care products, but be open to synthetic ones too (you might need them when a natural solution is not available)

Your selection of a natural skin care product should be based on 3 factors:

The skin type (dry, oily, normal, sensitive) of the person who will use that natural skin care product

The climatic conditions in which it will be used e.g. hot and humid condition would warranty the use of oil-free natural skin care products.

The process for application/use of the natural skin care product. A good natural skin care product (in fact any product) can seem useless if not used in the proper way.

You can also make natural skin care products by yourself, by using the recipes that are readily available on the internet and in the books at book stores.

Use of organic fruits and vegetables is also popular as a natural skin care procedure. Some essential oils, herbal oils, are useful too and are known for their moisturising and antiseptic properties

However, using a natural skin care product does not mean that you can exercise carelessness with other aspects of skin care. Natural skin care products should be used like supplements to the following ‘essential’
recommendations: healthy eating habits (avoiding oily food), regular exercise, drinking a lot of water (8 glasses everyday), and cleanliness. This will then form a perfect and completely natural skin care routine that will help maintain a healthy beautiful skin for longer time.

Papaya: Beauty and Health Benefits

Whether it’s the harsh summer sun or the humid monsoon weather, the fruit papaya can be effective for soothing, toning and moisturising your skin, which will leave your skin glowing naturally. So instead of opting for those expensive over-the-counter creams, why not use papaya? Its natural properties will remove skin blemishes, pimples, dark patches and do much more!

Beauty uses of papaya

Since the fruit is a good source of Vitamin A and Papain which is a kind of protein, it helps in removing dead skin cells, along with breaking down the inactive proteins.

If you apply a finely grounded paste of raw papaya on your face, it will help reduce pimples and blemishes!

Mashed papaya can be used for treating the sore and cracked heels.

The peel (skin) of the papaya can not only be used on the face, but it should also be used for whitening the skin on your legs.

Using papaya on your face regularly will reduce the signs of ageing.

If you have rough and dry skin, mash a papaya with honey and apply this mixture for hydration of the skin.

Papaya also helps in controlling dandruff. Frequent use of its paste on your hair will improve its texture.

Buttermilk: Beauty benefits

Next time when your mother hands over a glass of buttermilk to you and you sneak out to secretly pour it down the balcony, remember, buttermilk is one of the best natural products and provides various benefits to the skin. 

Interested already? But the best part is that you need not drink it to reap all these benefits. External use of buttermilk works wonders as well.

Besides being a natural pro-biotic, buttermilk is rich in lactic acid that is found in many expensive beauty products and is one of the best facial peels that doctors choose for softening, brightening and exfoliating skin. Because of it’s highly acidic and astringent nature, it treats age spots, freckles and even tightens skin. In fact, legend has it that Cleopatra, the ancient Queen of the Nile whose beauty was said to be astounding, bathed regularly in buttermilk. It was she who popularized the buttermilk treatment, which is followed by women in various countries till date.

You can mix powdered buttermilk with honey and egg, and massage your body with this mixture. It will not only rid you off the stubborn sun tan, but will also give your skin a radiant glow. You can also apply pure buttermilk on your face, leave it on and wash off before going to bed.

You can also use a butttermilk hair mask. Blend one banana, two tablespoons of honey, one avocado and one cup of buttermilk. Apply the mixture as a mask and leave it on for 45 minutes before washing it off. This is the easiest way to get shiny and healthy mane.

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