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A New Era Has Begun…

By Thornton Crowe

Watching the Inauguration, I couldn’t help but sense a divided nation, still polarized by a man who wants to bring Patriotism back to our country. Like the by gone Civics classes on steroids, more Americans have learned about the Electoral College, our Democratic Republic and US Constitution than in any elections prior.

Many have demonized President Trump throughout his campaign for daring to say, “America first.” It leaves one to wonder why its bad for us to be the President’s number one concern and special interest group? Years of Media and Educational brainwashing taught Gen Xers, Yers and Millennials that we should all be ashamed of our country.

Think about it, if it weren’t for Henry Ford, would people all over the world be driving? If it weren’t for those crazy Wright brothers, would we be able to go from coast to coast in six hours? If it weren’t for a geek like Steve Jobs, would we carry a personal computer in our pocket every time we leave our homes? Now, we can’t even conceive of our lives before planes, automobiles and Smartphones, yet, we take it all for granted.

For far too long, we’ve been told to deny the wondrous contributions America has contributed to the world. Instead, we’ve been made to feel like we owe some grand apology for our existence for daring to be innovative and creative.

At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other…

What President Trump said in his inaugural speech is true: It is not our place to impose our standards of democracy on any other country. He respects countries of the world to keep their people’s interests first – therefore, his America First is not one-sided nor narcissistic.

Not everyone reading this will fully appreciate what his address offered to us but as for being divisive, it was far from it. The President specifically stated, America is going back to the People – all people. The elite days of rulership are over – and while he stood with his back to them, he put both Houses on notice, it’s the dawn of a new era in American governance where action is required.

When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.”  

This is why many voted for Donald John Trump – we saw his vision, which didn’t pull from Republicans or Democrats ideologies but from a place where pride in one’s country is king. He gave us license to feel good about ourselves again because as successful people know, this is a key ingredient in achieving success that can’t be bought.

I look forward to the coming days as President Trump walks us back to what the Constitution gave us not what the political afforded us. I look forward to the many battles he will no doubt face against a dishonest Media that has been in collusion with the Democrats for far too long. He is not going to sit down and take abuse; but instead, he will scrimmage not only for himself but every citizen in this country.

President Trump is unique because, for the first time since our Founders, a regular citizen is now the the leader. I’ve said many times, this is exactly what our Framers envisioned for our country’s governance. Therefore, by measuring him to their rules, the DC establishment and political pundits alike, are in for a very long and tumultuous four to eight years.

When America is united, America is totally unstoppable…

Yes, we’ve entered a new era – one which holds many hopes and it is up to each of us to either embrace it or reject it. We now have our first CEO president and adjustments will be made to accommodate. As Americans before political affiliation, it would behoove us all to support him as he defends our best interests against an establishment who has been all too happy to see many of us fail year after year.

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