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The True Haunting Story of The Buxton Inn

Do you believe in real ghosts? Growing up I loved scaring people and my favorite Holiday was Halloween. As a young child I would stay up until two a.m. in the morning watching scary movies and was very open to paranormal activity.

I have kept my experiences with real ghosts phenomena mostly to myself. I only have told a few close friends, but I never have been able to get the ghostly image out of my mind from the Buxton Inn. It still haunts me today!

The true haunting story of the Buxton Inn is a fascinating story and the building’s history goes back to the early 1800’s. The Inn(The Tavern) was built by Orrin Granger and served as a stage coach route. Some of the most famous people who stayed overnight were Abraham Lincoln, Charles Dickens, and William McKinley. The Inn(The Tavern) changes hands in 1865 and changes its name to the Buxton Inn.

Major Buxton became the new owner and ran it until 1905. After a series of owners, the Buxton Inn was sold to Orville and Audrey Orr, who presently own the Inn. The Orr family spent two years renovating the old Inn and that is when the ghostly guests started to make themselves known. The true haunting story of the Buxton Inn begins. Did they see real ghosts?

Before writing this article, I cleared my mind so I could go back to the night when I was in the Buxton Inn, at the age of 10 years old. While visting friends in Ohio, they took us to visit the Buxton Inn because of its intriguing eerie history. I was told about the real ghost, who haunted the main house and to be afraid. Back then I was not afraid of ghosts and was hoping to see one. The ghost stories started in the dark looking dungeon bar, which was located in the lower level of the Buxton Inn. If I remember correctly it was like a basement with oddly shaped stone walls. It was creepy looking and added to the real ghost legend.

Mr. Orr, stated he heard the locked front door open and the sound of someone walking up the stairs. He went to see if anyone was there and no one was there, which left him with no explanation. The Buxton Inn staff and visitors have heard, smelled, and felt the presence of a real ghost. They believe it could have been Major Buxton or Ethel Bounell, otherwise known as “the Lady in Blue”. Incidently, Ethel Bounell(actress and singer) owned the Buxton Inn from 1934 until 1961. The Lady in Blue has appeared in corridors and guest rooms.

Others have said there was an unseen, but almost tangible presence of a real ghost that revealed itself. My parents and their friends were walking in front of me as we entered a corridor of the Buxton Inn. While walking through the open door entryway, I felt something but kept walking into the corridor. I remember how stunning the Buxton Inn looked as I was walking and then for some reason, I turned around quickly to look behind me. At 10 years old I was curious about this real ghost phenomena and jokingly turned to catch something. I had no idea as my parents and friends continued walking straight ahead, I would indeed see something.

My skepticism jumped right out the window when I saw a ghostly apparition move behind the door to the entryway. At 10 years old, I was awe struck and speechless. I finally had seen something that I could not explain and I only saw it by turning around quickly. Obviously, I caught something, because it hid very quickly behind a door. What I saw had a human shape and was made of light. The light was a bright white and in the blink of an eye went behind the entryway door.

The corridor we were in was well lit and you could see everything, so this light with a bright yellow contour moved quickly, but I could see it had a three-dimensional shape. I remember very few things at 10 years old, but this stuck in my mind and I never have forgotten how weird this experience was for me. Did I see a real ghost? To be honest, I don’t know, but I never have felt or have seen anything like that since! I have had other wierd experiences, but not a strong physical presence like this I could see!

I believe there is more out there, then meets the eye. I was fortunate enough to turn around and catch a ghostly apparition moving behind a door. How did I know to turn around and catch this real ghost? Was I just overly curious? Looking back, I turned around because I felt there was something behind me and to my surprise, I saw it. On my next visit to the Buxton Inn, I plan to take my camera. Who knows, I might just see something or someone again! Do you believe in the true haunting story of the Buxton Inn?

You can visit the Buxton Inn in Granville, Ohio and enjoy fine food and spirits. You might turn around like me and actually see a spirit!

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