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Timeline of Chemical Element Discovery

  • 1737 – George Brandt, discovered Cobalt. From the German word kobalt or
    kobold (evil spirit).
  • 1766 – Henry Cavendish discovered Hydrogen. From the Greek words hud™r
    (water) and gennan (generate).
  • 1774 – John Priestly discovered Oxygen. From the Greek words oxus
    (acid) and gennan (generate).
  • 1774 – Carl Wilhelm Scheele discovered chlorine.
  • 1789
    Martin Klaproth discovered Uranium. After the planet Uranus.
    Martin Klaproth discovered Zirconium. Named from Zircon (mineral).
  • 1794 – Johann Gadolin discovered Yttrium. After Ytterby (a town in
  • 1803 – Smithson Tenant discovered Osmium. From the Greek word osm‘
  • 1807
    Humphrey Davy discovered Potassium. From the Latin word kalium.
    Humphrey Davy discovered Sodium. From the Latin word natrium
  • 1808
    Humphrey Davy discovered Calcium. From the Latin word calcis
    Humphrey Davy discovered Barium. From the Greek word barys
  • 1817 – Johann Arfvedson discovered Lithium. From the Greek word lithos
  • 1878 – Jena de Marignac discovered Ytterbium. After Ytterby (a town in
  • 1886
    Joseph Henri Moissan discovered Fluorine. From the Latin word fluo
    Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran discovered Dysprosium. From the
    Greek word dysprositos (hard to get at).
  • 1894 – William Ramsey discovered Argon. From the Greek word argon
  • 1895 – William Ramsey discovered Helium. From the Greek word hlios
  • 1898
    William Ramsey discovered Neon. From the Greek word neos (new).
    William Ramsey discovered Krypton. From the Greek word xenon
    William Ramsey discovered Xenon. From the Greek word kryptos
    Fredrich Ernst Dorn discovered Radon. From Radium.
    Pierre and Marie Curie discovered Polonium. From Poland.
  • 1907 – Georges Urbain discovered Lutetium. From Lutetia (ancient name
    of Paris).
  • 1957 – Nobel Institute for Physics discovered Nobelium. After Alfred
  • 1961 – Albert Ghiorso discovered Lawrencium. After Ernest Lawrence.
  • 1970 – Albert Ghiorso discovered Dubnium. After Dubna, Russia.
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