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Zeta 2 Reticuli: The Betty and Barney Hill Case

For so many year the question has been…If Aliens do visit this planet then where are they coming from?

This question may have been answered back in 1961 in the Betty and Barney Hill Abduction case. This case was one of the first abductions to be reported and remains one of the most amazing cases to this date.

We won’t cover all the details of the abduction here. If you want to read about it there’re hundreds of good books available and the best are the books written by Betty Hill herself who continues to campaign for the existence of extra-terrestrial life.

The Abduction:

Betty and Barney Hill were allegedly abducted by grey aliens in 1961. During the abduction they were each taken to seperate rooms to be examined by the greys. During Betty’s examination she continuously questioned the alien in charge, “what was happening, who were they, why were they doing this”, and most important, “where were they from”.

After a time the alien must have gotton tired of hearing Betty’s constant questions. The alien took Betty over to a wall and showed her a chart so that she would be quiet. The chart was a star-map and showed several stars and lines that connected all the stars, (travel lines). The alien asked Betty to point to Earth. Betty had no way of knowing which star was earth’s so she was unable.

The abduction experience left the Hills scared emotionally. They didn’t remember the abduction experience or anything about it. They new that they had missing time and that something in their lives had changed leaving their life a mess.

A Star Map:

The Hill’s would later undergo hypnotic regression in hopes of getting back to a normal life. The hypnosis began to unravel the mystery. Under hypnosis Betty drew the star map that she had seen while on board the alien ship. The drawing itself still meant nothing. There was no way of pointing out what star was our sun.

Many years later Marjorie Fish built a 3D model of the star systems using plastic balls and wire. It’s important to note that science at this time could not match either Betty Hill’s drawing or the 3D model to actual star systems because the technology was not available for such a task.

Years later the ability to match 3D models to star systems became possible by the way of computers and computer programs the could accurately map space in three dimensional shapes. After entering the correct diagram of Betty Hill’s drawing the computer began it’s work. Instead of shooting out hundreds of matches it gave ONE EXACT match. The star system known as Zeta 2 Reticuli.

STAR MAP PICTURE This is a picture of the star map that Betty Hill made matching the Zeta 2 Reticuli system. Importance:


Of all the star systems in outer space the match was Zeta 2 Reticuli. Why is this important? Zeta 2 Reticuli is a neighbor to our own system. In the dimensions of space they are just right down the road. Another interesting fact of the Zeta 2 Reticuli system, is that the star giving light to that system is the same as our own sun. There are billions of stars and science has only been able to find a hand full of stars like our own sun, one of them happens to be in the Zeta 2 Reticuli system. Proof?

What does all this prove. Absolutely nothing. Some scientist or debunkers say that it’s all luck. Luck that Betty Hill would draw a star chart that she saw aboard an alien ship years before science had a way of identifying or mapping out star systems. Luck that when science did catch up, that Betty’s drawing would only have one match out of billions of star systems. Luck that the star system that was matched, Zeta 2 Reticuli, is just down the road from own system. Luck that the Zeta 2 Reticuli star is the same as our own sun. That’s a whole lot of luck. I would like to see the Las Vegas odds on that.

Yet, even though science continues to say that there is no life in the Zeta 2 Reticuli system where do we find them aiming their telescopes. There is an old saying, “Don’t listen to what I say, watch what I do”.

Scientist announce their incredible findings to the public: On September 20, 1996, a planet was discovered orbiting the Zeta 2 Reticuli star.

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