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Timeline of Telescopes, Observatories, and Observing Technology

  • 1800 BC – Babylonian star catalog
  • 1700 BC – Stonehenge
  • 432 BC – Athens observatory on Lycabettus Hill used by Meton and
  • 350s BC – Eudoxus of Cnidos observatory, school at Cyzicus
  • 350 BC – Shin Shen’s star catalog has almost 800 entries
  • 330 BC – Aristotle On the Heavens [De Caelo]
  • 200 BC – Astrolabe used by Greeks
  • 150 BC – Rhodes observatory
  • 129 BC – Hipparchus’ star catalog
  • 105 BC – Alexandria observatory and College of Technology under Heron
  • 52 BC – Shou-chang uses armillary ring
  • 141 – Claudius Ptolemy Megale Mathematike Syntaxis [or Almagest]
  • 499 – Aryabhata Aryabhatiya
  • 646 – Chomsongdae observatory near Kyongju, South Korea
  • 790 – Gundishapur observations by al-Nihawandi
  • 813 – Baghdad School of Astronomy
  • 828 – al-Shammasiyya observatory of Abi Mansur near Baghdad
  • 831-2 – Mount Qasiyun observatory near Damascus
  • 840 – al-Farghani Compendium of the Science of the Stars
  • 887 – Raqqa observatory of al-Battani in Syria
  • 963 – al-Sufi’s star catalog Book of the Fixed Stars
  • 988 – Baghdad observatory of al-Quhi and al-Buzjani
  • ca. 900 – Hanlin Academy observatory in Northern China
  • 994 – Ray observatory of al-Khujandi near Tehran, Iran
  • 1000 – Mokattam observatory, Egypt for al-Hakim II
  • 1023 – Hamadan observatory
  • ca. 1030 – Treasury of Optics by Ibn al-Haytham of Egypt [Alhazen]
  • 1074-92 – Malikshah observatory at Isfahan used by al-Khayyam
  • 1119-25 – Cairo al-Bataihi observatory for al-Afdal
  • 1252-72 – Alphonsine tables recorded
  • 1259 – Maragha Observatory and library of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi by Mangu
    under Khan Hulagu
  • ca. 1270 – Terrace for Managing Heaven 26 observatory network of Guo
    Shoujing under Khubilai Khan
  • 1417 – Speculum Planetarum by Simones de Selandia
  • 1420 – Samarkand observatory of Ulugh Beg
  • 1467-71 – Observatory at Oradea Hungary for King Corvinus
  • 1472 – Nuremberg observatory
  • 1560 – Kassel observatory under Hessian Landgrave Wilhelm IV
  • 1575-80 – Istanbul observatory of al-Din under Murad III
  • 1580 – Royal Danish Astronomical Observatory at Hveen (Uraniborg) for
    Tycho Brahe
  • 1600 – Prague observatory
  • 1603 – Johann Bayer’s Uranometria
  • 1608 – Hans Lippershey tries to patent an optical refracting telescope
  • 1609 – Galileo Galilei builds his first optical refracting telescope
  • 1632 – Leiden University observatory
  • 1641 – William Gascoigne invents telescope cross hairs
  • 1661 – James Gregory proposes an optical reflecting telescope
  • 1667 – Paris observatoire
  • 1668 – Isaac Newton constructs the first optical reflecting telescope
  • 1675 – Royal Greenwich Observatory of England
  • 1705 – Berlin observatory
  • 1725 – St. Petersburg observatory at Royal Academy
  • 1733 – Chester Moor Hall invents the achromatic lens refracting
  • 1740 – Indian observatories of Jai Singh at Dehli, Jaipur, Madras
  • 1758 – John Dolland reinvents the achromatic lens
  • 1789 – William Herschel finishes a 49-inch optical reflecting
    telescope—located in Slough, England
  • 1761 – Joseph-Nicolas Delisle 62 observing station network for
    observing transit of Venus (& Mercury)
  • 1769 – Short reflectors used at 63 station network for transit of Venus
  • 1840 – J.W. Draper invents astronomical photography and photographs the
  • 1845 – Lord Rosse finishes the Birr Castle 72-inch optical reflecting
    telescope—located in Parsonstown, Ireland
  • 1871 – German Astronomical Association organized network of 13 (later
    16) observatories for stellar proper motion studies
  • 1872 – Henry Draper invents astronomical spectral photography and
    photographs the spectrum of Vega
  • 1887 – Paris conference institutes Carte du Ciel project to map entire
    sky to 14th magnitude photographically
  • 1889 – Astronomical Society of the Pacific founded
  • 1890 – Albert Michelson proposes the stellar interferometer
  • 1892 – George Hale finishes a spectroheliograph—allows the Sun to be
    photographed in the light of one element only
  • 1897 – Alvan Clark finishes the Yerkes 40-inch optical refracting
    telescope—located in Williams Bay, Wisconsin
  • 1917 – Mount Wilson 100-inch optical reflecting telescope begins
    operation—located in Mount Wilson, California
  • 1919 – International Astronomical Union (IAU) founded
  • 1930 – Bernard-Ferdinand Lyot invents the coronagraph
  • 1930 – Karl Jansky builds a 30-meter long rotating aerial radio
  • 1933 – Bernard-Ferdinand Lyot invents the Lyot filter
  • 1934 – Bernhard Schmidt finishes the first 14-inch Schmidt optical
    reflecting telescope
  • 1936 – Palomar 18-inch Schmidt optical reflecting telescope begins
    operation—located in Palomar, California
  • 1937 – Grote Reber builds a 31-foot radio telescope
  • 1947 – Bernard Lovell and his group complete the Jodrell Bank 218-foot
    non-steerable radio telescope
  • 1949 – Palomar 48-inch Schmidt optical reflecting telescope begins
    operation—located in Palomar, California
  • 1949 – Palomar 200-inch optical reflecting telescope begins regular
    operation—located in Palomar, California
  • 1957 – Bernard Lovell and his group complete the Jodrell Bank 250-foot
    steerable radio telescope
  • 1957 – Peter Scheuer publishes his PhD method for obtaining source
    counts of spatially unresolved sources
  • 1960 – Martin Ryle tests Earth rotation aperature synthesis
  • 1960 – Owens Valley 27-meter radio telescopes begin operation—located
    in Big Pine, California
  • 1962 – European Southern Observatory (ESO) founded
  • 1963 – Arecibo 300-meter radio telescope begins operation—located in
    Arecibo, Puerto Rico
  • 1964 – Ryle 1-mile radio interferometer begins operation—located in
    Cambridge, England
  • 1965 – Owens Valley 40-meter radio telescope begins operation—located
    in Big Pine, California
  • 1967 – First VLBI images—183 km baseline
  • 1969 – Observations start at Big Bear Solar Observatory—located in
    Big Bear, California
  • 1970 – Cerro Tololo 158-inch optical reflecting telescope begins
    operation—located in Cerro Tololo, Chile
  • 1970 – Kitt Peak National Observatory 158-inch optical reflecting
    telescope begins operation—located near Tucson, Arizona
  • 1974 – Anglo-Australian 153-inch optical reflecting telescope begins
    operation—located in Siding Springs, Australia
  • 1975 – Gerald Smith, Frederick Landauer, and James Janesick use a CCD
    to observe Uranus—first astronomical CCD observation
  • 1978 – Multiple Mirror 176-inch equivalent optical/infrared reflecting
    telescope begins operation—located in Amado, Arizona
  • 1979 – UKIRT 150-inch infrared reflecting telescope begins
    operation—located at Mauna Kea, Hawaii
  • 1979 – Canada-France-Hawaii 140-inch optical reflecting telescope
    begins operation—located at Mauna Kea, Hawaii
  • 1980 – Completion of construction of the VLA—located in Socorro, New
  • 1993 – Keck 10-meter optical/infrared reflecting telescope begins
    operation—located at Mauna Kea, Hawaii
  • 1997 – The Japanese Halca satellite begins operations, producing first
    VLBI observations from space. — 25000 km maximum baseline
  • 1998 – First light at VLT1, the 8.2 m ESO telescope.
  • 2001 – First light at VLTI. Operations in the interferometry mode of
    VLT start at ESO — 103 m baseline
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