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November 15 – I Love to Write Day

Posted on November 15, 2020

Today is “I Love to Write Day”… But the thing is, an awful lot of people DON’T love to write. I have tutored kids or all ages, and writing well is HARD, and for many people writing (either by hand or on a keyboard) is painful.

But I think that all of us could enjoy writing more when we don’t worry about being criticized for our spelling and punctuation and grammar…
Write about your day. Maybe every day. Keeping a diary or journal is not all that popular these days, but it can be a really useful, helpful, even enjoyable experience. I kept a journal of stuff my kids and I did, and it was amazing to look back and see HOW MUCH we did, how varied our days were, and how many funny things were said or done. (They seem especially funny years later!)

Write about trips you take. Keeping a descriptive running narration about a trip can help you relive and tell others about that trip. Instead of staring at photos and wondering where they were taken…instead of forgetting the name of this memorial or that lake…instead of forgetting so many of the quirky and humorous and pesky events that occur on every trip – you will be better able to remember great stories and post correctly labeled photos if you write-as-you-go!
You could even make your travel journal
like a mini-scrapbook. Take a glue stick or
mounting squares with you and attach tickets
and other flat items as you go, and leave space
for photos!

Write to express your feelings. Instead of complaining endlessly to your family and closest friends, who have heard it all before, try writing down accounts of your enthusiasm or anger, your happiness or angst, your hopes and dreams or worries. Sometimes expressing your feelings to a piece of paper or blank page on your tablet’s writing app – both of which are endlessly patient and non-judgy, by the way! – can help you get past those feelings.  

Write about life how you would love it to be. Writing stories can be satisfying because you get to create characters who look and act and talk the way you choose for them to look/act/talk! Events happen the way you design them to happen. You can make things work out perfectly – unlike messy real life – or you can make epic disasters – again, unlike most of mundane life!

Also on this date:

National Peace Day in Côte d’Ivoire

Rock Your Mocs Day

Palestine’s “National Day”

Guinness World Record Day

Artist Georgia O’Keeffe’s birthday

America Recycles Day

Proclamation of the Republic Day in Brazil

Sichi-Go-San (Seven-five-three) in Japan

Proclamation of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

King’s Feast in Belgium

Birthday of educator and activist Sarah Jane Woodson Early

George Spelvin Day

Plan ahead:

Check out my Pinterest boards for:
  • November holidays
  • November birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in November

And here are my Pinterest boards for:

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