Home » Trending » June 8 – World Oceans Day and Clean Air Day

June 8 – World Oceans Day and Clean Air Day

   Posted on June 8, 2022     

This is an update of my post published on June 8, 2011:

What could be more important than air and water? This day is set aside to learn about and take action for the preservation of the oceans and clean air.

Find out what’s happening worldwide, here, and in Canada, here.

Sometimes people are more motivated to clean up air and water if they are reminded that some cute creatures are in danger because of our mess…

And that is certainly true! Here are just a few of the species who could really, really use your help:

Remember, any time people are asking you to “save the whales” or “save the seals,” they’re also asking you to save the humans! We are animals, and we need clean air, unpolluted oceans, and healthy food chains of other animals, plants, and all the rest!

Also on this date:

Best Friends Day  

Architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s birthday

Upsy Daisy Day

Birthday of World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee 

Anniversary of “Tape Art” appearing in a street art festival

Bounty Day on Norfolk Island

Temotu Province Day in the Solomon Islands

Ghostbusters Day

Birthday of astronomer Giovanni Cassini

Plan ahead:

Check out my Pinterest boards for:
  • June holidays
  • June birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in June

And here are my Pinterest boards for:

  • July holidays
  • July birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in July

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