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Acupuncture treats traumatic brain injuries (post-concussion syndromes)

Acupuncture treats traumatic brain injuries or post-concussion syndromes. Traumatic brain injury, or post-concussion syndrome, often happens in a car accident or sports injury.

The injury could affect brain function and leave people feeling sleepy or unable to think through problems. Short term memory and concentration are common issues, as is the ability to do simple mathematical processes and take in new information. Some patients find it hard to follow what is being told to them. Dizziness is another concern, sometimes along with headaches.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the problem is due to the blockage of the meridians and the deficiency of energy that links them with the brain. The liver and kidney systems are normally related to this kind of situation. Clinically, patients will be found with syndromes of stiff neck, loss of sense in the tongue, vision disorder, numbness or trembling of the hands, and many other disorders.

Both the liver and kidney systems will work for the balance of the brain, with the liver meridian associated with the soft tissues and microblood vessels that transfer circulation in the brain; the kidney system controls the energy level since it supports the nerve system. In the acupuncture study, as the six yang meridians all go to the head and coordinate with the four limbs, treatments at lower limb points could alter the syndromes with good effect.

This is also a good way to keep the brain cells active by stimulating the remote acupoints. In my experience, the extra meridian system (non-regular 14 meridians) works better for treatment as those meridians could increase the energy volume in soft tissues. Herbal remedies are also helpful to support brain energy. The famous TCM practices of Yunnan Baiyao and Danshen work well with post-concussion syndromes.

The effect could show up in just 2–3 sessions, though chronic cases need longer treatment. Once the blockage of the meridian is cleared, the brain will resume normal function.

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