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Haunted Secrets of Hotel del Coronado: A Ghostly Tale

Nestled on Coronado Island, just across the bay from San Diego, the Hotel del Coronado is a luxurious Victorian-era resort that has charmed visitors since its opening in 1888. Once the largest resort hotel in the world, this all-wood marvel was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1977. Known for its beauty and grandeur, the hotel has hosted a long list of distinguished guests, including movie stars like Charlie Chaplin and Rudolph Valentino, as well as five American presidents. Even Prince Edward of Wales is said to have met Wallis Simpson here, setting the stage for his eventual abdication of the British throne.

Yet, beneath its glamorous exterior, the Hotel del Coronado holds a much darker secret — a ghost story that has lingered for over a century. The spirit of a young woman named Kate Morgan is said to haunt the halls, her tragic tale capturing the imaginations of all who hear it.

Kate Morgan’s Mysterious Death

In 1892, Kate Morgan checked into the Hotel del Coronado under the alias “Lottie A. Bernard” from Detroit. She arrived alone on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, and was given Room 3312 (now Room 302). Kate was reported to be in poor health and complained of severe abdominal pain, leading many to speculate that she had self-induced an abortion during her stay. Desperate and distressed, she traveled to San Diego, where she purchased a .44-caliber gun, and returned to the hotel.


Two days after her arrival, Kate was found dead near the steps of the hotel’s north entrance, a bullet wound in her head and a gun in her hand. The local authorities were quick to rule it a suicide, but the story soon took a darker turn. The bullet in her head did not match the caliber of the bullets in the gun she had purchased. Further complicating the case, a maid who had attended to Kate during her stay mysteriously disappeared and was never found. These discrepancies sparked rumors that Kate may have been murdered, possibly by her husband, Tom Morgan, or even by someone else she knew.

Some speculate that Kate had discovered her husband with another lover and, in her despair, took her own life. Others suggest she had been romantically involved with a hotel executive who ended the relationship. Regardless of the circumstances, the uncertainty surrounding her death has left many to believe that Kate’s spirit remains tethered to the hotel.

The Haunting of Room 302

Since her death, Kate Morgan’s ghost is said to haunt what is now Room 302. Guests and staff alike have reported seeing a figure that matches Kate’s description: a pretty brunette wearing a long black Victorian dress, a large ornate hat, and often carrying a black parasol. She is frequently seen at the window of Room 302, peering out as if searching for someone or something.

Those who have stayed in Room 302 describe an eerie presence. Some have reported feeling sudden cold spots, while others have heard inexplicable whispers and gurgling sounds coming from the bathroom. Guests have also experienced light-headedness, dizziness, and the sensation of being watched. The room has become so notorious that many visitors specifically request to stay there, hoping to catch a glimpse of the infamous ghost.

Beyond Room 302, other areas of the hotel have also been touched by Kate’s presence. Employees have reported lights flickering, objects moving on their own, and the distinct feeling of a cold hand brushing against their skin. The gift shop is another hotbed of activity, where merchandise has been known to fly off the shelves.

The Ghost of Kate Morgan Lives On

Despite the many theories surrounding Kate Morgan’s death, one fact remains indisputable: her spirit has left an indelible mark on the Hotel del Coronado. Her ghostly appearances have become a part of the hotel’s lore, drawing countless visitors eager to experience the paranormal for themselves.

The mystery of Kate’s death continues to captivate those who visit this historic resort. Whether her spirit remains out of sorrow, unfinished business, or a search for justice, the haunting of the Hotel del Coronado by the “Beautiful Stranger” ensures that her tragic tale will never be forgotten.

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