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AstroGnostic: The Theater of Mysteries

Timing is everything.

While going over the volumes of material I’ve collected about A., the improbable postwar tech/electronics boom and B., the Sumerian origin of the Lucifer archetype*, a very strange press conference was held in Iraq, the cobbled-together country which is built on Sumer’s ruins.

From the London-based, Qatari-financed New Arab:

Iraq’s Transport Minister Kazem Finjan has claimed that ancient Sumerians in Iraq invented space travel.  

Finjan made the outlandlish claim during a press conference in the southern Iraqi province of Dhi Qar. In a speech, he said that the ancient civilisation had built the world’s first airport in the area around 5,000 BC.  

Finjan went on to claim that the airport had served as a hub for space exploration, and that the Sumerians discovered Pluto falsely claiming it to be the solar system’s “twelfth planet” and discovered by NASA. 

In front of a beleaguered audience Finjan sought to back up his claims asking sceptics to study the works of Sumerian experts such as Russian professor Samuel (Noah) Kramer.

Mind you, this is a cabinet-level minister making these claims, not the local town administrator of trash collecting and animal control. I can’t imagine that Finjan is speaking on behalf of the entire government here, but just imagine if it were a similar official in your own country…

Now, by itself this means nothing. But in the context of Dubai, looted Sumerian religious texts and literal wars over Anunaki-linked archaeological sites, it means a lot.

Our Gordon pointed me to this story and saw fit to insta-post on it himself.

The curious architectural projects of these despotic Gulf kingdoms look a lot less wackadoo when you realise there is simply no way these cartoon villains subscribe to the same Dark Age belief system they mandate for the unhappy citizens of their totalitarian regimes. I’d wager the government-funded clerics who spew the official nonsense only believe it because they’re paid to. 

Which is why I typically find ‘Fortean’ media so rarely lives up to Charles’s name. Such as this piece on the Iraqi transport minister holding a press conference about a 7,000 year old spaceport.

The fact that there probably isn’t a 7,000 year old spaceport in Iraq is not the story. The story is that this is actual evidence of some kind of Sitchianity among Middle Eastern elites and that it is believed strongly enough to hold a press conference on the matter.

Sitchianity among Middle Eastern elites? Sure, why not. Why should they be any different?


I’ve been wondering for some time now if Ancient Aliens isn’t some kind of inoculation program, meant to steer everyone’s attention away from what is a large and growing body of evidence that History is not what it seems.

Just lump it all in with that guy with the pomade and spray tan and don’t worry about it anymore.

Now, this doesn’t mean you need to believe in AA’s Saturday morning cartoon version of paleocontact, but it does mean that ancient history is due for major rewriting.

Lest you dismiss this Iraqi minister’s press conference as simple eccentricity on the part of a foreign functionary, take another look at the United States and its political luminaries.

The unspoken struggle being played out in this election has a lot to do with Iraq and Syria and the region as a whole. Many serious individuals are worried that a Clinton Administration would risk war with Russia in order to achieve the murky objectives of the Syrian program, which has already cost thousands of lives and reduced much of the country’s landscape to rubble.

So it’s no small thing then that recent emails released by Wikileaks demonstrate that the man running the Clinton campaign- longtime DC power broker John Podesta- is more deeply involved in UFO exopolitics than anyone could have anticipated, as seen in this exchange between him and the late Apollo astronaut, Edgar Mitchell.

Dear John, 

As 2015 unfolds, I understand you are leaving the Administration in February. It is urgent that we agree on a date and time to meet to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy, at your earliest available after your departure. My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI. 

Another colleague is working on a new Space Treaty, citing involvement with Russia and China. However with Russia’s extreme interference in Ukraine, I believe we must pursue another route for peace in space and ZPE on Earth. I met with President Obama’s Honolulu childhood friend, US Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto on July 4 at the US Mission in Geneva, when I was able to tell her briefly about zero point energy. 

I believe we can enlist her as a confidante and resource in our presentation for President Obama. I appreciate Eryn’s assistance in working with Terri to set up our meeting.”

This was followed by an alleged leak by a senior staffer at NASA, who denied alien contact but claimed that NASA knew things about ETs that would terrify the public: 

“You want an announcement about aliens? Here it is: Be careful what you wish for. If you guys knew even a fraction of the s*** we do, you’d never sleep again. I promise you that.”

This quote was later denied, but given NASA’s track record the denial only confirmed the original claim in a lot of people’s minds.


Now how does this connect to these themes that I’d been wrestling with earlier in the year?
Well, take the Banebdjedet. The Banebdjedet popped up during my Lucifer’s Technologies research in relation to the Goat of Mendes and Baphomet, which we most recently looked at in relation to the Satanic Temple.

But there was a deeper meaning here:

As Osiris was the ancient Egyptian lord of the dead, his “Ba” was worshipped in its own right in Ancient Egypt (especially in the city of Djedet in the Delta) and name Banebdjed (sometimes the feminine form Banebdjedet was also used as he absorbed the position of his sometime consort Hatmehyt). This name is translated as “the ba (essence or power) of the lord of the Djed” and refers to the notion that the Djed pillar (which represented stability) was thought to be the backbone of Osiris. 

Many alt.researchers have commented on the similarity between ancient Djed pillars and modern (ish) electrical insulators. This connection is especially fascinating given the fact that no one can quite explain the iconography of the Djed, its meaning nor its origin. Insulators, on the other hand, we obviously know a lot about:

Insulators are used in electrical equipment to support and separate electrical conductors without allowing current through themselves…(t)he term insulator is also used more specifically to refer to insulating supports used to attach electric power distribution or transmission lines to utility poles and transmission towers. They support the weight of the suspended wires without allowing the current to flow through the tower to ground.

And of course one of the most famous- and most controversial- depictions of the Djed pillar comes in this famous frieze from the Temple of Hathor at Dendera, which to most reasonable people is a stylized depiction of  a simple, battery-powered electric light.

Again, to most reasonable people. There’s all kinds of unreasonable discussion over it.


Now, consider all of the achievements of the ancient Egyptians, the advanced stonework and architecture (much of which we still scratch our heads over), the simple yet effective methods of refrigeration and air conditioning (not to mention hydraulic engineering and advanced plant medicine) they developed, their complex system of writing and all kinds of other innovations you don’t often hear about.

Are we really supposed to believe they couldn’t build a simple electric light?

We’re still trying to figure out how the pyramids were built, and some interesting theories have been put forward by contemporary engineers, such as geopolymers and internal ramps. If any of them are true, then by definition the Egyptians used Space Age technology to build the pyramids. 

How so?

Well, if we can’t explain how they were built until now, that means we didn’t reach their level of engineering know-how until this era (at least when it comes to these kinds of projects), this era roughly being the “Space Age.” And truth be told, the jury is still way out on those theories too.

So tell me again how the Egyptians couldn’t have mastered the art of a simple electric light?

Orthodox historians can’t have it both ways. They can’t claim the Egyptians were capable of amazing, extraordinary engineering feats on one hand but dismiss them as superstitious bumpkins on the other.

Batteries were known at the time, they’ve been found- is it that hard to imagine a simple flashlight? There’s even some evidence the Egyptians were working with electricity in an organized way, even if it is controversial. You don’t need aliens involved at all.

And don’t forget we’ve lost an enormous amount of information from that time, when information was centralized in the hands of a privileged few. Burn a library or two and an entire world of technology was lost forever.

There’s an unintentionally hilarious “debunking” written of the Dendera light bulb theories that’s been floating around since the USENET days, in which the author shows not only a total ignorance of the actual meaning of Egyptian sacred symbolism, but in fact a contempt for it:

The oval which contains the snake is according to some authors a light bulb and the snake a light filament. Apart from the fact that snakes in Egypt never represented “light” (and that I know of no lighting snakes) the oval had in Egypt a define meaning: It was a symbol of the morning sky, in ancient Egypt “Duat”! 

The snake represents, as in many other pictures, the god of the morning sun, Harsomtus. But why, say the skeptics, should a snake be a symbol of the morning sun? Quite simple. The Egyptians noticed that snakes shed their hide and were believed to renew with each shedding. Almost as the morning sun, which comes up every morning renewed. And the sun moves like the snake without visible outer organs. 

Especially in Greek-Roman times from 300 B.C. on Harsomtus is always depicted as snake. Therefore Harsomtus appears in Dendera in all cases as newborn sun, and not as a filament – it would be widely out of the context.

OK, I’m gobsmacked here. He’s trying to debunk the snake as an EFFIN’ LIGHT FILAMENT by claiming it’s a symbol of the morning sun.

I mean, where do you start?

The author then translates the frieze text, which is filled with symbolism of currents and light, EXACTLY WHAT YOU WOULD EXPECT A SYMBOLICALLY-ORIENTED CULTURE TO WRITE ABOUT AN ELECTRIC LIGHT:

Resomtus is alive with gloss in the sky (and) lives at the day of the New Year celebration. He lights up in its house in the night of the child in his nest, by donating the light to the country from the birth bricks. The sky is jubilant, the earth is pleased and the God chapels is glad, when he appears in his chamber in his procession barge at his beautiful celebration of the New Year.  

The God with his disk has come to see him. Nehebkau gives him reputation, and the goddess with her disk, with godly body, rejuvenates him in his sanctuary.

Harsomtus: Words to speak of Harsomtus, the great god who stays in Dendera. Gold, height: 4 hands. Made of metal the Day barge, the lotos flower from gold.
Harsomtus: Words to speak of Harsomtus, the great God, who stays in Dendera, the multicolored-feathered who is on the Serech. Gold. Height: 1 cubit.
Come in peace, servant of his Lord, as the chw djeser priests are subordinated 

The author then tries to debunk the bulb theory by pointing out the bulb is made of gold (a highly-conductive metal).

 They give detailed descriptions of their extents and even the used material. A bulb made from gold – well, much light would not shine through it…

No, it wouldn’t. Except if you’re TALKING ABOUT THE LOTUS BULB, which acts as the base of the light bulb.

I wrote about this in a previous post six years ago, and am still stunned there’s a controversy over it
(the Dendera light was a feature in the Fundamentalist “debunking” of Ancient Aliens)

It’s a blatantly obvious depiction of a simple electric light- with the Djed pillar acting as a conductor. And every single shred of text written about it deals with light and the course of travel of light, ie., electric current.

The generator? Now that’s just a box on which Horus sits, supporting that shape that’s not a bulb. 

You know- Horus, the god of...umm...light. 

And that cable attached to the not-generator? That’s the Solar barge traveling across the sky. 

Who could possibly interpret that as an electric cable, through which energy travels to an electric light fixture? 

Sun, light– crazy talk. No connection whatsoever. Who believes this stuff? Especially when you find it all in a deep underground chamber? 

Never mind the fact that the lotus, Horus and the barge trail were all symbols of light.

As to the texts themselves, Plutarch said it best when he commented on the appointment of Egyptian temples:  “Therefore also the Egyptians place sphinxes in front of their temples to indicate that the discourse about God is enigmatic and obscure.”


“Enigmatic and obscure.” Right.

It was from this tradition that we get Alchemy, itself swimming in riddle and mystery, meant to confound and confuse the uninitiated. This language was about the control of technology. Meaning it was about power.

Alchemy was born in ancient Egypt, where the word Khem was used in reference to the fertility of the flood plains around the Nile. Egyptian beliefs in life after death, and the mummification procedures they developed, probably gave rise to rudimentary chemical knowledge and a goal of immortality. 

Manly P. Hall wrote about the symbolic nature of Alchemical literature in The Secret Teachings of All Ages:

    The earliest alchemists that we know were using symbols of a very early date. [In] many cases the symbols have been accepted as literal pictures, and this has led to further confusion. We know, for instance, that in ancient alchemy the Great Retort in which all the experiments were being made was the Solar System itself, viewed as a globe, within which all the chemistries and alchemies of existence were taking place.

We know from our own researches in more recent times that the ancients certainly believed that this world in which we live is a great theater of mysteries, the major secrets of which have never been solved; that, actually, the world is a strangely complete thing, within itself containing everything necessary for the infinite perpetuation of itself.

This theater isn’t confined to the Alchemist’s workshop any longer. It’s playing out everywhere you look. You just need to learn the languages it’s been spoken in.

But the dumbing-down process has made it so only the most literal and simple-minded interpretations of– oh, I don’t know, everything— make it through the static. Looking beneath the surface of things is seen as being somewhat rude anymore, maybe vaguely offensive. 

It’s how we get Bill Nye on one hand and Ancient Aliens on the other. 

Cui bono? Not you nor I, that’s for sure.

But when people at the very top of the political system are bouncing around emails about ETs and space war you might want to learn to parse out the signaling that isn’t quite so explicit.

Things that were once google-eyed conspiracy theory are now daily headlines. So it’s a good time to figure what’s being said about what’s coming next.

* Strangely, the two inquiries-turned-megathreads started out asking the same questions.

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