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How to be more romantic

One of the most common complaints of women, over time in a relationship, is that “before their men were romantic but as time passed by they seem to be out of steam”. Romance means to make someone feel that he or she is something special.
So it is not about what you do, but what feeling you trigger with your counterpart. Here are few things to do so as to bring back the fire of romanticism into your relationship.

1. Naturalness. Do not stop being yourself. Naturalness is fundamental to maintain authenticity, so do not pretend to love a kind of food you hate with passion or type of music you secretly despise all in the name of impressing your lover. No matter how hard you try you can’t be perfect. Ask yourself what were the attitudes she liked most for that reason she fell in love with you. Do not try to be something which you are not. At the end of the day you end up hurting your loved one. Relationship is all about being supportive, caring, sharing hobbies and learning new things from each other. So if your hobby is eating, sleeping or travelling make you partner aware and do not pretend. Honesty and naturalness are the first steps to being romantic.

2. Change the routine. Find new ways to spices your time in bed because this is one of the important part of your love relationship as a couple. To revive interest and enthusiasm, find new ways of kissing her, caressing her and pleasing her. Better still you can change your time of having sex, if you used to do it in the morning, you can do it at night or if you used to do it after dinner you can do it just after work. Try new things everything. If you wish to make your love making special, it learning new sex positions or doing it at different spot. Most men are unwilling to make the simplest changes to their sexual live, this makes their partners find them to be unromantic and this attitude of the men turn their wives to become less enthused when it comes to sex. If you are a man and you want your wife to find you romantic then be a step ahead, be ready and willing to make changes every time.

3. Encourage your fantasies. The things that makes a man excited is completely different from their lovers. Everybody liked to be praised for the things they do and especially their sex moves. For women, the key to their pleasure is when they get sweet compliments or get pampered. Sugarcoated compliments will not make you partner feel special but telling them things they love genuinely and you should mean the things you are saying. Start talking about new things in bed with her so you know what her current fantasies are, because over time they usually change, so do not stay in the past and surprise her and make her enjoy the relationships like never before. When couples share their fantasies the result can be great excitement and romance.

4. Seduce her. It is one of the foundations of romanticism. Women love to speak and they also love to be spoken to. If you want to seduce your wife then you must learn to romance your wife with words of love and desire. Women naturally wants to feel loved, pampered. They want their men to tell them how wonderful and unique they are. One important skill men need to learn is the skill of seductive touching. The men turn to be ridged when it comes to touching, though some women are also cooperates, harnessing the power of touching: massaging the neck, temples and shoulders accompanied with delicious kisses are great ways to starting seduction.   Try to seduce her every time you have the opportunity in a different way. Make her feel unique and special through words of love and or gifts. Tell her how much you love her and want to be with her, practice some new games or sexual positions everytime that you unleashes her passion.

5. Creativity. Creativity will keep the fire of romance at flame in the marriage. There are several things you can do to make you love life feel unique and special. You may find out what both of you are passionate about it can be a sport or cooking, anything that makes your both pleased and do it together. You can tell your lover romantic stories and this can make her feel loved and accepted. Use your free time to park at a romantic spot and talk about your individual goals and aspiration and your goals as couple. You do not need the highest IQ or be a billionaire to be creative, all what you need is the time to think of new things that will keep your relationship romantic and lovely. Creativity should be your best friend if you want your spouse to say my lover is romantic.

6. Give surprises. Every one love surprises. A great surprise will definitely astonish and amaze your spouse. The whole idea of a surprise is to do something that is unexpected. If you really want to give a surprise to your spouse make sure what you are going to do is something that your spouse would love. You want your spouse to be thrilled at your surprise. Monitor her and find out the type of thing your spouse really like or enjoy. Give your spouse undivided attention when it comes to conversations and you would become aware of what your spouse is dying to have. Your surprise need’s not to be expensive, you can keep it very simple but it should have an impact on your spouse’s day or life.

7. Make her feel special. The idea of making someone feel special is about making them feel important, loved and how valuable they are in your life. If you are not making your spouse feel special then am sorry to say you are “unromantic,” she wants me to tell you that she is sad and angry for you  not showing her that she is special.
If you can tell your date that you think she is special and that this moment is something special with her, she will feel very close to you.
How you do it exactly, however, is left to you: It can be just a moment – a look, a gesture, and a word, something that comes spontaneously. It can also be that you create a special moment that belongs only to you two.  There are other things to do to make your spouse feel needed and important. You can take a vacation together, buy your spouse a flowers or gift or try to communicate with your spouse while you are away. If you can make her feel special, she will love you.

8.Give her attention. Many women complain that they do not get the needed attention from their husbands and the men have complained that they just can’t make their spouse happy no matter what they do. For most women attention means: taking time to be romantic, telling her how much you appreciate her and how you feel about her and giving her compliments about her cloths and looks. You can do very simple things to show your wife that she is the most important personality in your life by helping her around the house, answering her phone calls, taking her to surprise data and giving her a listening ear most important. It will make your wife feel loved and she will find you to be romantic and caring.

9.Make time for her. How much time do you spend with your spouse? Most men are so busy that they can’t even spend 15 minutes with their spouse. When their spouse complain they become upset. Women need attention, they want to spend time with you, it because they love their husband. Time will not be available till you create the time yourself. Learn to balance your life and your daily activities, drop habits which you think are not helping your marriage. Take your wife out for dinner, help her cook, spend some time chatting with her if not every day at least every other day. Women love to talk, the more time you spend listening to her the more she will feel close to you.

10.Give Compliments. Your wife works hard just to keep the home tidy and the family in shape. Making you better and the home a happier place to be. Therefore they deserve to be complimented for the effort. For your information women love to hear sweet words, it an inherent attribute. Tell her how important she is in your life in your own words. She looks spectacular in her outfit compliment her. Tell her how much you love her cooking. It will be romantic to say to her that she is the most beautiful woman for you – when she is just waking up from bed. It important to compliment your wife every time to show how much you appreciate her as a person and her effort as a wife and a mother.

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