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10 Reasons Why Everyone Loves The Walking Dead

Admit it: The Walking Dead is one of the most popular TV series today. Though there were some points when the show seemed to have lost its way, it did not falter in gaining followers or maintaining its high ratings. However, though millions of people are avid fans of the show, some just plainly do not see how The Walking Dead became the centre of attention for TV viewers. Moreover, others also do not understand how millions of dollars are spent on the show even though its quality has shown fluctuation even up to now. To give the non-Walking Dead fans some idea, people love the show for a number of reasons.

  1. The Walking Dead is the one show that can unite male and female viewers.

A lot of people love The Walking Dead because it is able to deal with several themes at once. Moreover, the show covers a huge demographic, and the concepts used are well thought out. Males watch the show possibly because they like watching zombie fights and breakouts and using guns and other stuff to kill the walkers, whereas females may favour more the depth of the characters portrayed in the show. In fact, it is a good thing that The Walking Dead manages to combine those concepts.

The Walking Dead Trailer (First Season)

Most fans probably think that the first season of The Walking Dead is the best so far. Actually, the first season started with a strong vibe, which it was able to maintain throughout the last episode. Though the succeeding seasons had high ratings as well, it was the first one that seemed to be the most memorable for most people.

  1. The other seasons fared very well.

Other The Walking Dead fans preferred the previous seasons to season 1. Since the story was just starting, some deemed the first season to be quite boring. However, for some fans, things started heating up when Rick’s group reached the prison and started their battle with the governor.

Meanwhile, other people also noted how exciting the Alexandria chapter was, leaving a number of fans scratching their heads after each episode.

However, it seems that the intense hype caused by The Walking Dead has stopped in Alexandria. Others claimed that they were mostly bored during the other seasons.At present, they are hoping that things will get lively again in the show, especially when Negan’s face has already been revealed.

  1. What’s not to love about the zombie genre?

A lot of people watch The Walking Dead because, basically, it is about zombies. And in addition to the use of this popular genre, the show managed to include the story of the survivors, both in the past and in the present, as they struggle to continue living in a world filled with the living dead. Moreover, The Walking Dead shows how the survival instincts of humans kick in when their lives are in danger. The show does not only show a lot of killing and gory details; there is also a considerable amount of hatred and anger, challenging people’s perception of humanity and showing how people are burdened by making great decisions that could possibly cost their lives.

The Walking Dead also demonstrates that there are times when people really have to practise the saying, “Kill or be killed.” Basically, the characters, at some point, face the challenge of choosing what is wrong and what they should do to survive.

Furthermore, there were times when the characters had to choose between leaving other people alone and attempting to build a community that could preserve their race.

Naturally, The Walking Dead makes some people feel really alive, because they get to analyse the types of behaviour that they may manifest once they get trapped in such a situation. People also contemplate whether killing for survival makes them a bad person or whether they should retain their humanity even when their lives are at stake.

In a way, the survivors in The Walking Dead gained a sense of freedom, especially when they were able to give in to their urge to kill by killing zombies. Still, their main goal involves managing to live a normal life despite the fact that they have to be on guard every day.

Possibly, those who are not fond of The Walking Dead despise the idea of anarchy. Moreover, it is only natural that some people view the world as something perfect, and The Walking Dead defies the very possibility of living a utopian life. In addition, the appearance of zombies serves as evidence of the faults of humans and their capacity to cause destruction and chaos.


No one can deny that The Walking Dead provides viewers with a good deal when it comes to special effects, especially in the gory and bloody details involving the zombies. However, notably, the excellent use of special effects is sometimes shadowed by the show’s focus on its characters, which sometimes just sucks in the excitement that occurs after a harrowing experience with the walkers. Fortunately, the show manages to get back on its feet every time that it stumbles.

  1. Viewers do not get tired of watching zombies.

Only the zombie genre has the ability to keep people’s attention, regardless of how bad the story is. People will watch a zombie movie or television series regardless of how ridiculous the plot is as long as it involves zombies.And the same goes for The Walking Dead. A lot of people have already condemned the show when it failed to live up to their expectations, but nevertheless, millions of people watch the show when it basically just follows the same formula in its story: battles with zombies, survival, conflict, then zombies again. The show sometimes becomes predictable, but people still see past its flaws and continue watching it.


The Walking Dead is aired at 9 p.m. every Sunday, when more people are at home and are just sitting on their couches waiting for something noteworthy to watch. And given the other top-rated shows shown at the same day and time slot, The Walking Dead seems to be putting up quite a fight.

The cable should be put to good use.

Yes, there are some who despise The Walking Dead, and some who have lost faith as a result of its flaws.However, people are still paying cable fees, so instead of turning off the television, they opt to just watch the show.


It has been established that millions of people love The Walking Dead, yet there are also people who despise the show. Understandably, some people just cannot bear the thought that some people may not like watching The Walking Dead. This is especially true when a person’s family or close friends are also avid fans of the show. Thus, it would be hard for them to change how they feel about The Walking Dead.

  1. They have a large fan base.

The Walking Dead is based on a comic that has a pretty large fan base. Expectedly, when a comic with a huge following is adapted for TV, its readers will surely be curious and may want to watch the live version. In the case of The Walking Dead, the timing of the show was also perfect, and thus, it has become one of the top-rated shows to date.

Avid fans waited for The Walking Dead’s Season 11 premiere, and the show did not fail to make some ripples on various social media platforms. Though most people might have wept and shed tears with all the brutality and the deaths of the well-loved characters of the show, a few had some issues with how that particular episode was portrayed.

  1. Negan appeared to have emerged from the cart.

Negan is a new and major character who was introduced in the season 7 premiere of The Walking Dead. The character was supposed to be much more cruel and sadistic compared with the other characters that Rick’s group has encountered. However, with the aim of making Negan more nefarious, his character appeared more like it came from another universe, like that in Game of Thrones, where Ramsay could only be described as a creation of pure evil.

However, Negan’s character appeared to be at odds with the type of evil seen in the Walking Dead universe. For example, despite the misdeeds of the governor, he was known for showing a bit of kindness to his people. In fact, he was so human that he decided to keep his dead and already zombie daughter. Moreover, it can’t be denied that some of his followers really did love the governor and thought that he was a good man.

Meanwhile, in the case of Negan, it seems that all his human qualities have vanished into thin air. Moreover, he likes to talk like a mad villain in cartoonish shows. In fact, one can get tired of hearing him droning on about his authority. Moreover, his characters lie on the thin line between being horrible and scary. Other antagonists, such as the governor, the termites, and the wolf, displayed typical evil behavior. Negan, on the other hand, is like some insane man who enjoys waving bats and hearing the sound of his own voice.

In addition, some people may also think that Jeffrey Dean Morgan does not fit the role of Negan. Others also think that his portrayal is not as terrifying as they had imagined. And because Morgan did not strike other viewers as that scary, some thought that Rick should just have a go at him and kill him right away. In fact, Rick had the upper hand if there was ever a fight between him and Negan.

Some people also think that Negan is comparatively inferior to Breaking Bad’s Tuco, who is, as known by the show’s fans, crazy, unpredictable, and very hot-headed.


Some avid fans might condemn those who say that the violence shown in The Walking Dead’s season premiere was too much. In addition, it is a known fact that notable violence was also seen in the comic book version of the series.

However, what people should realise is that the violence portrayed on coloured paper is different from that seen on television. Yes, the scenes in the premiere are watchable, but it is really not certain whether the viewers really do want to watch them. Most viewers stomached some scenes with the zombies, including those showing skin peeling off from the walking. However, showing Glenn’s face with his bulging eye getting smashed in by a bat repeatedly might have been a bit over the top. In fact, some fans might prefer if Glenn just really died last season.

Errorous and simply bad script writing

Negan came out as cartoonish to some viewers because of the things that he said, and that would be the fault of the writers. The writers decided to keep his character guffawing, chuckling, and engrossed in his monologues just like in the comics, but in this case, their decision turned out to be a great mistake.

In fact, a lot of people would agree that Negan just could not stop talking, and the things that he said only wasted people’s time. Meanwhile, there were moments when Negan just looked crazy stupid on the screen.

The focus of attention on Negan became much more disappointing when the other characters were not given the same amount of importance. Furthermore, Rick became infected with stupidity when he declared out loud that he was going to kill Negan immediately after the man had turned two of his friends’ heads to mush.Fortunately, he realised how stupid he was later on.

The show also seemed to be missing some logic with its premiere. Since Daryl was the one who punched Negan, wouldn’t it make sense if Negan chose to kill him? Moreover, even Daryl seemed to have been a bit emotional with that episode, though it was understandable on Maggie’s part.

Some viewers might have also been wondering how the hell the axe landed on the roof of the trailer when it looked like Negan threw it onto the ground. Nevertheless, Rick has been known for working miracles when facing hordes of zombies.

Glenn deserved a much better death.

The Walking Dead - Glenn's Death.

A lot of viewers cried over Glenn’s death. Though he suffered the same manner of death in the comics, his demise should have been given much more justice given his great contribution to the show.

Again, what looked good in the comics may not appear the same on television. That is why there is what is called “adaptation.” It means that it is okay to tweak some things in the original material. And in The Walking Dead’s case, they should have given Glenn’s death some more glory.

The lack of care for Glenn seems to date way back in the previous season. First, the show tried to kill him in season 6, and that did not gain the approval of a lot of viewers. However, in season 7, the show did another stupid thing by giving Glenn’s death a short air time. Some have even pointed out that Tyreese’s death lasted longer (which in fact ate up a whole episode). Glenn was a very much loved character and one of the ones who stayed the longest; it was an act of injustice to give him just a few minutes of air time upon his death.

Thus, basically, Glenn should have been given additional tribute before he was cut off from the show. A better treatment could also have made up for the show’s treatment of the audience when they tried to kill Glenn.

On the other hand, though there were some notable and intriguing issues regarding The Walking Dead’s Season 7 premiere, there were some good elements that are worth mentioning. For example, once, Rick lost himself and became a weak creature in Negan’s hands, showing that he too could not win every game. With this new internal conflict, viewers will be anticipating Rick’s future actions in subsequent episodes of the show.

In addition, The Walking Dead has, in some ways, regained its former glory. Negan’s bat really did a good job holding people’s attention as it took the lives of some of the show’s greatest characters.

However, the show has just started, and there are more episodes to look forward to. Thus, it is still uncertain whether The Walking Dead can maintain its premiere hype or if it will just start boring the viewers later on. In addition, viewers will still have to wait to see whether they should really be scared of Negan or whether they should buy some ear plugs for when he’s doing his long monologues.

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