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9 Ways to Start Living Your Dream Life Today

Dream about what you want. Be what you want to be, because you have only one life and you only have one chance to do what you want. The happiest people do not have the best things. They know how to make the best of the opportunities that come their way. Life is short, yet some are looking for a comfortable life. The others strive for distraction and entertainment. Still, others strive for money and power, but the impression we leave last forever. Every day there’s something in your life that doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to. Life is not a joke because one fine day one dies.

Grow yourself.
Self-development is the means by which an individual develop himself, whether by learning new skills or by overcoming bad habits picking new ones. It is about growing your potential as an individual, nurturing your mind to achieve possibilities and building self-confidence through the engagement of your capabilities. He who begins to grow as an individual will inevitably become better acquainted with himself and his surroundings.
Knowledge is a driving force and it is, therefore, a necessity. If you really want to live your dream, then run after this precious jewel.  If you want to grow as an individual you need to evaluate and seek resources and conditions to effect the needed change that will bring about the needed transformation. You can consider education resources or any other action that will contribute to your development. There is no method, a single path to this development, that is, no matter if it is a postgraduate, technical training, all that matters is doing something which propels you towards your dream.

Education or self-learning helps an individual seeks for solutions to his problems, explore himself and, above all, to improve himself.  Taking this path will help you to know your capabilities and the possibilities available to you, to learn new concepts and values. Any individual who seeks to study more and more generates within them natural curiosity, which is manifested by an interest in discovering and knowing the world. For this, it is necessary to have initiative, persistence, self-motivation, and discipline.
So why not strive to learn and grow and become a better person. If you’re there thinking “books are expensive” and not worth spending money on, I tell you that you’re very wrong. But if you do not have the money to buy, try to borrow. Or go to Google and search for content that interests you and can help you. We live in a time where information is readily available. If you own a smartphone or have access to the Internet, you can research what it would take to make your dream life a reality.Another possibility is for you to simply leave the internet and take a break at the public library in your city. Believe me, you will learn a lot from these simple changes!

 Renew your mind
As a man thinks so is he and the things that you attract into your life are the very result of what you think about constantly.
Therefore, “you are what you think”. So when you want to achieve something, you need to set your mind right, you need to inject into your mind positivity that you can and will achieve success.
The condition of your mind or way of thinking can determine your success or failure, the first thing you need to do to achieve what you want is to apply a change of mindset. For your information, no one is born for success or failure. All of us, we first need to be, to have later. You will never conquer what you do not really aim at. First, you have to want with all your might, this is the way to conquer something.
To change your mindset and adjust your thinking, you will certainly have to break free from your limiting beliefs, which are often negative experiences, traumas or fears that you have experienced. If you always base your future actions on your past, you are probably doomed to walk in fear and this will be a factor that will make your journey very difficult for success.

 Overcome your fears.
 Face your fears, most people are unaware of what they could achieve in life if they overcome their fears and bundle their strength better. Of course, not everyone can reach everything in life. To assert this would be unrealistic. But most people could achieve significantly more if they became conscious of their inner power.
Fear becomes a disease if the person concerned suffers so severely that this increasingly influences his whole attitude to life. it is typical of morbid anxiety that the affected person is significantly restricted in its activity and life development.

However, it is not only enough to recognize one’s own capability. You also have to be able to focus on your own strength and your development. And you have to be aware of the typical human stumbling blocks and learn how to deal with these stumbling blocks.
. Let your positive thoughts be what dominates you. The thoughts that relate to fear will only attract more fear, so leave them behind. Instead of always expecting the worst, train your mind to see and expect the best. Make room for the best ideas about the future.
Steal fear’s time, energy and attention. Focus consciously on how you use these three elements. It is important to be aware, prepared and focused on finding solutions that reduce the situations that cause fear.
Be aware of your victories. Fear feeds on the failures and negative ideas that arise from the bad events of our lives. So to face it, it’s important that you value every victory you’ve had. We tend to diminish the importance of our triumphs, when they should be our tool to set new challenges and persist.
We often allow fear, worry, and insecurity to dominate and shape our lives. We allow ourselves to be robbed of the fun, the dream, and our most cherished ambitions. If you want to achieve happiness and fulfill all your dreams, you must be prepared to make a leap against all your fears.

Look for positive people (Avoid those that bring you down)
You cannot submit to negative people and expect your life to become positive.
It’s hard to look at the bright side of things when you’re surrounded by negativity. Look for positive people to stay balanced. Just as negative people can cause you discomfort, a positive person can clear your spirit.
Negative people often influence our thinking and our thoughts. Perhaps you are so distracted by the attitude of your colleague “knows everything” that you do not contribute productively to a meeting. Or, even if you think about how to improve your performance, you spend more time thinking about how upset you might be if that nasty colleague gets a promotion.
Sometimes, unknowingly, we give these toxic individuals influence on our thoughts, behavior, and feelings. There will be people in your life who don’t get it and will make their opinion known. If you listen to any negativeness, it will convince you what you want is impossible, and you won’t take the necessary steps to make your dream life a reality.What will you achieve wasting hours complaining about your mother-in-law, whom you dislike, or let a brave client ruin your day or someone that disturbs you so much, it is important to redeem your personal power and stay mentally strong.
Identify the positive people in your life. Spend time with them regularly. A quick lunch with a cheerful and kind coworker, or a walk with a nice friend, can be a great confidence booster.
Decide firmly that you will not allow negative people to determine how you think, feel, or behave. Take back your power and focus your time and energy to become the best for yourself.

Take action. 
The journey to achieving and living your dream is not simple. It is normal that you encounter difficulties. Every difficulty gives you a new experience. Every experience you gain can bring new opportunities. People will respect you more when you show your true potential. They will appreciate you more. Even if you do not need reverence and respect.

You have to go out and start doing what you want to do. You can immediately begin by gathering your willpower (a strong self-control determination that allows you to do something difficult) and stop procrastinating.
 Do you want to travel, do you want to build a business, do you want to marry, you have to work at it. 
Your vision should give you a good reason to go out on the road. You don’t need to wait to feel inspired before you start taking life-changing action.
 When you get out there, the will be some challenges that will come your way. You must be prepared for this.  It is quite easy to give up. You should try to stay positive and fight to overcome them.
 Are you going to have a successful or an average life then do not be like those whose say: I do not have time, no education, my parents do not allow me or I do not have the best skills. If you do not have time, you should make time for yourself. If you do not have money, you should start earning money. If your family does not allow you, you should try to get permission to express and do what you want to do. There’s always a bunch of obstacles ahead. You must try to overcome them. If you choose excellence, you have to fight mediocrity and commit yourself to excellence and making a difference in your life.

 A number of people have the desire to do something for their life but they are unable to convert this desire.
It because most of these people lack self-discipline to stay persistent in achieving what they have in mind. For some, it is low self-efficacy, self-esteem and laziness which makes them avoid challenges and rarely commit to their life goals. They are reluctant to take the necessary actions toward a desired change. They don’t believe that change is even possible, so they give up before they even start.
So stop worrying if you’re not good enough,  ready enough, or getting everything perfect in order to start. Look beyond yourself and realize your taking action can help others – your family, your team, your business and community.

  Set goals
 If you do not know where you are going, anyway is good! So if there is no clear goal setting in your head, you may be doomed to failure in various aspects of your life.
Do you smoke and drink a lot, procrastinate in your work, in your personal life and in all aspects? Know that all these is a sign of a life without goals, and if there is no understanding of the importance of setting goals in your life, you will certainly take any path.
It has been found that goals are able to improve performance on average by 16%. Including goals in your exercise routine can affect your performance in three different ways.
Goals set the direction in which you should move, helping you to focus your attention on goal-relevant activities – and away from irrelevant things. You have to be very specific when you set your goals.
Do you want to go anyway? Do you want to go where you never dreamed or where you always thought you could never get there? So, you need to dream right now, then plan and then execute.
Goals allow you to easily chart your performance and help you learn more about yourself and skills – which can ultimately help turn boredom into a challenge. Goals act as energizers. Once you reach your goals, you will build a self-regulating motivation that replaces anxiety and tension with focus and self-confidence

 Challenge yourself
The desire for more success or personal effectiveness is for many people the entrance into personality development. Because when we begin to grow as a human being, our lives often improve on all levels.
Defying yourself is important, first, to get you out of your comfort zone. Always doing the same things and following a pre-determined routine can offer you a lot of satisfaction, however, they will help your brain become lazy. And as we have already said, to achieve your dream it is necessary to leave laziness aside.
Now, ask yourself what you should challenge yourself with. To do this, look at what areas of your life you want to change or develop. It can be professional or personal: what matters is that you identify it. If you feel that you socialize little, for example, and want to improve it, think about the habits you have that hinder your doing so.
After that, devote yourself to crafting ways to get away from those attitudes. You can create plans, write, make lists of goals and even rearrange your routine to have more time available for yourself. It does not matter what method you choose, but rather your dedication to putting it into practice.

Motivate yourself
You do not need anyone to motivate you, to improve your mood, or to remind you of what you can do. A little help does not hurt, but you should learn to be self-sufficient and emotionally independent. All you need to hear, you can say it to yourself in front of the mirror.
Instead of treating yourself badly, start treating yourself with tenderness and hope. Get positive and optimistic messages to help you, because there is nothing better than speaking positively into yourself. We human beings need incentives that make us face the adversities of everyday life, and we often need to seek that within ourselves. When we are motivated we become more open and able to develop and allow ourselves to higher levels of learning, where we improve skills and competencies and that brings us closer to our desires.

Creating the environment of possibilities.
An environment of possibility is very crucial for the realization and attainment of your dream. Create in your mind that believe of achieving anything you have set to achieve, do not doubt. Create your world in your mind, speak into your life whatever you want to see happen to your life. The way you think and the way you speak have some effect on your life and destiny. Remember that negativity produces negativity and positivity produces positivity.
So avoid feeding your mind with negativity and speaking words of defeat, you are hurting your life and destiny. The more negative you think the more negative your life will become. Your thinking and speaking are creating a certain environment around you, if you speak positively you will see it manifest in your life. Remember you are not just a man but you are a spirit and therefore your words carry power and they have creative ability.
Yes, our worlds carry power that is why some people have  sense of infi because of what they have heard over a period of time. And some can’t not make meaning out of their lives because of the environment they grew up from.
You want to live or achieve your dream watch the way you speak and the way you think.

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