Home Trending 15 Mysterious Facts You Didn’t Know About Area 51

15 Mysterious Facts You Didn’t Know About Area 51

Groom Lake, Paradise Ranch, and Homey Airport are further names for Area 51. If you don’t work for the military, though, you most likely only connect Area 51 with secret government plans to hide dark matter and aliens. The mystery surrounding this enigmatic location is at an all-time high, owing in part to the new Netflix documentary Bob Lazar Area 51 & Flying Saucers and a particular Facebook event that involved storming the Area 51 grounds.

Although we might believe we know what Area 51 is actually about, its history is much more nuanced and profound than we could ever begin to comprehend. In other words, there are indications that the administration is not pleased with all the stories and panic that are circulating in this area. We have ten things you should know about Area 51 before the aliens discover you if you’re inquisitive!

Robert Lazar was responsible for increasing the mystique and terror around Area 51. Lazar made some absurd allegations in the late 1980s that Area 51 existed and that the US Air Force used it as a facility to dissect UFOs and store other highly classified data.

If you are so bold as to enter Area 51 illegally, you will be met by some unfriendly guards and a hefty punishment.

In all likelihood, you can approach Area 51’s perimeter gates by car, but you’ll be turned away. Even taking photos of the location is not permitted.

People from the general public will receive a $1,000 fine and a few months in jail if they manage to enter the premises. What would frighten you away if that didn’t?

Thousands of visitors sought to get as near as they could to the testing site as Area 51 grew more and more well-known to people across the US in the hopes of spotting a UFO. And according to Mental Floss, one person who allegedly worked on these flying saucers thinks that the black mailboxes are the perfect site to glimpse a UFO.

When visitors arrived to view extraterrestrial activity, the owner of the sole mailbox in the row of black mailboxes, which is about 12 miles distant, placed another mailbox for “alien mail” to appease these UFO enthusiasts (and to keep his mail safe).

If you use Facebook, you’re undoubtedly already aware of the upcoming event “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop Us,” which is scheduled for September 20th. Even if the Facebook event is written in a lighthearted manner, it’s impossible to predict how many alien zealots would take this seriously.

The incident generated a lot of media attention and contact with thousands of individuals, necessitating intervention from the government. According to CNN, in response to the incident, the US Air Force issued the following statement: “[Region 51] is an open training range for the US Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to enter into the area where we train American armed forces.”



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