Title: From Beyond (1986) nDirector: Stuart GordonnWriters: Dennis Paoli, Brian Yuzna (based on short story by H.P. Lovecraft) nCast: Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, Ken...
nnnnThe Never Ending Story Book ReviewnnnnnnWolfang Petersen’s The Never Ending Story (1984) has always been a special film for me. I have been watching...
Kyung-chul is a dangerous psychopath who kills for pleasure. He has committed infernal serial murders in diabolic ways that one cannot even imagine and...
nnnnnTitle: Galaxy of Terror (1981) nnnnnnDirector: B.D. Clark nnnnCast: Robert Englund, Sid Haig, Grace ZabriskiennnnReview: nnnnRoger Corman (prolific director and producer extraordinaire) has produced...
Missouri Admission DaynnnnOn this day in 1821, Missouri became the 24th state of the United States. nnnnMissouri is famous for several things:nnnnnnGateway Arch...
nnnnnnnTitle: Rabid (1977) nnnnnnDirector/Writer: David CronenbergnnnnCast: Marylin Chambers nnnnReview: nnnnCronenberg’s films are always laced somehow with a couple of recurrent themes. Amongst them are:...